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Kai šalia partneris, kurio gyvenimas toks chaotiškas, jūs galite jaustis labai stipri, galinga, atsakinga, dalykiška ir praktiška. Be to, imdamasi atsakomybės už kitą, jūs galite nebesirūpinti savimi, savo sunkumais ir silpnybėmis, atsisakyti svarbių savo gyvenimo sprendimų ir užduočių.Sati (in Pali; Sanskrit: smṛti) is mindfulness or awareness, a spiritual or psychological faculty that forms an essential part of Buddhist practice. It is the first factor of the Seven Factors of Enlightenment. Correct or right mindfulness (Pali: sammā-sati, Sanskrit samyak-smṛti) is the seventh element of the Noble Eightfold.Smriti is also a symbolic synonym for number 18, from the 18 scholars who are credited in Indian tradition for writing dharma-related smriti texts (most have been lost). In linguistic traditions, Smrti is the name of a type of verse meter. In Hindu mythology, Smriti is the name of the daughter of Dharma and Medha.

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